There will be no school on Monday, January 6th due to inclement weather and poor road conditions. Thank you
2 months ago, Unit Office
This is just a reminder that students will be dismissed early Friday, December 20, 2024 for Christmas break. Greenville Elementary 2:00 PM, Pocahontas Center 2:00 PM, Greenville Junior High 2:05 PM, Unit #2 High School 2:23 PM. KRP will be dismissed at 2:00 PM.
3 months ago, Unit Office
Please take the time to complete the strategic planning survey that is included on this link. The survey window is open from 12/2/24 through 12/13/24. The survey will take 10-15 minutes. This survey information will be used throughout our strategic planning process: Thank you
3 months ago, Unit Office
Please disregard the previous link as we are having technical difficulties with the survey program. The thought exchange folks are working to resolve these issues as quickly as possible. The window will start tomorrow and a new link will be sent. Sorry for the confusion. Thank you.
3 months ago, Unit Office
Please take the time to complete the strategic planning survey that is included on this link. The survey window is open from 12/2/24 through 12/13/24. The survey will take 10-15 minutes. This survey information will be used throughout our strategic planning process: Thank you
3 months ago, Unit Office
Good Afternoon, Online registration is open for returning students. Instructions can be found on the district website under the tab for 2024-2025 registration. This process will take place through your current Skyward access. If you need assistance, you can call the school office on Thursday, August 1st and/or come in person August 5th Thank you
8 months ago, BCC2HS
Good afternoon, this is just a reminder about tomorrow's early dismissal for summer break. KRP 1:30, GES 2:00, PES 2:00, GJH 2:00, and GHS 2:23. Enjoy your summer!
10 months ago, Unit Office
No School tomorrow, January 16, 2024 due to dangerously low temperatures and inclement conditions. Decisions regarding extra-curriculars will be announced by noon tomorrow. Please stay safe and warm!
about 1 year ago, Unit Office
Good Evening, We have been monitoring the weather situation throughout the day. According to the NWS, our area remains in a "Winter Weather Advisory". The safety of students and staff is our highest priority. At present, we intend on being in session. Please make sure that your students are properly dressed for the cold temperatures. Please check your school mail for some cold weather tips and updates. Please keep monitoring the school website and district alert system for future changes. Thank you
about 1 year ago, Unit Office
This is just a reminder that students will be dismissed early Tuesday, December 20, 2023 for Christmas break. Greenville Elementary 2:00 PM, Pocahontas Center 2:00 PM, Greenville Junior High 2:05 PM, Unit #2 High School 2:23 PM. KRP will be dismissed at 2:00 PM
about 1 year ago, Unit Office
FROM: Wes Olson, Superintendent DATE: December 15, 2023 RE: Christmas Break Bond County Community Unit School District #2 will have a student attendance adjustment on Tuesday, December 19th. Students will be dismissed one hour early as follows: Greenville Elementary 2:00 p.m. Pocahontas Center 2:00 p.m. Greenville Junior High 2:05 p.m. BCCU #2 High School 2:23 p.m. AM KRP classes will run a regular schedule, and PM KRP classes will dismiss at 2:00 p.m. Students will not be in attendance until Thursday, January 4, 2024. The District Unit Office will be closed Tuesday, December 26th, and Tuesday, January 2, 2024 during the Holiday break. Sincerely, Wes Olson
about 1 year ago, Unit Office
Good afternoon, We were made aware of a scheduled power outage tomorrow morning around 8:00 am. We do not believe that this will cause a substantial disruption to the school day. Therefore, we will be in session as scheduled on Friday, December 8, 2023. Thank you
over 1 year ago, Unit Office
This is just a reminder that students will be dismissed early today, November 8, 2023 . Greenville Elementary 12:30 PM, Pocahontas Center 12:30 PM, Greenville Junior High 12:35 PM, Unit #2 High School 12:51 PM. NO KRP Classes today . Thank you
over 1 year ago, Unit Office
Bond County Community Unit No. 2 will have a student attendance adjustment on Wednesday, November 8th. Students will be dismissed early for the purpose of a teacher workshop. The dismissal schedule will be as follows: Greenville Elementary 12:30 Pocahontas Center 12:30 Greenville Junior High 12:35 Unit #2 High School 12:51 All Bond County KRP classes WILL NOT MEET on Wednesday, November 8th. In addition, school WILL be in session on Friday, November 10th. It was a misprint on the WGEL calendar. A Veterans Day program will be held in the BCCU #2 High School Gymnasium at 9:00 am on November 10th. School will also NOT be in session on Friday, November 17th. Thank you
over 1 year ago, Bobby Koontz
Students will be dismissed early on Wednesday, October 10, 2023 . Greenville Elementary 12:30 PM, Pocahontas Center 12:30 PM, Greenville Junior High 12:35 PM, Unit #2 High School 12:51 PM. NO KRP Classes tomorrow. Thank you
over 1 year ago, Unit Office
Good Morning, There will be no school on Friday, October 6th due to a teacher institute day as well as no school on Monday, October 9 in observance of Columbus/Indigenous Peoples' Day. School will reconvene on Tuesday, October 10. Thank you
over 1 year ago, Unit Office
JH Baseball and softball have been canceled for today.
over 1 year ago, Chad Nelson
Good afternoon, If you have not yet registered your student's online please do so asap! If you need assistance please contact your child's school building asap. The building secretaries are available until 3:30 today and tomorrow if necessary. Thank you
over 1 year ago, Unit Office
Good Evening, Online registration will open Monday, July 24th for returning students. Instructions can be found on the district website under the tab for 2023-2024 registration. This process will take place through your current skyward access. Thank you
over 1 year ago, Unit Office
Our first summer art and reading date is next Saturday, June 24th from 9:00-11:00a.m. Avoid the summer brain drain!
over 1 year ago, Pocahontas Elementary