It's that time to nominate a district employee that you see doing great things for students and for the district! The link is open now, and will take nominations through Tuesday, October 6. We love to hear from families, so let us know who you feel brings great things to our district! To nominate an individual for excellence in education, please click
over 1 year ago, Amy Jackson
Reminder: Friday, September 29th is a 1 hour early dismissal with times as follows: Greenville/Pocahontas Elementary 2:00 GJH 2:05 Unit #2 HS 2:23. AM KRP will have a regular schedule and PM KRP will dismiss at 2:00. The Homecoming Parade starts at 3:15.
over 1 year ago, Unit Office
Due to a widespread power outage we will be dismissing early today. GES/PES/ ECC 1:00, GJH 1:05, Unit #2 High school 1:23. Due to the power outage our phones are down so if you have any issues with your student's transportation please email the school secretaries.
over 1 year ago, Unit Office
Reminder we will have a 1 hour early dismissal on Friday August 25th.
over 1 year ago, Wes Olson
Bond CUSD #2 will dismiss 1 hour early starting Wednesday August 23rd through Friday August 25th, due to excessive heat warnings and high temps. Dismissal times are as follows: KRP, PES and GES 2:00 PM GJH 2:05 BCCU2 HS 2:23
over 1 year ago, Wes Olson
Good afternoon, If you have not yet registered your student's online please do so asap! If you need assistance please contact your child's school building asap. The building secretaries are available until 3:30 today and tomorrow if necessary. Thank you
over 1 year ago, Unit Office
Good Evening, Online registration will open Monday, July 24th for returning students. Instructions can be found on the district website under the tab for 2023-2024 registration. This process will take place through your current skyward access. Thank you
over 1 year ago, Unit Office
Good Afternoon, As we prepare for next school year we would like to gather feedback from Bond County Unit #2 families. If you could please take the time to complete the survey at the provided link we would greatly appreciate it. Thank you
almost 2 years ago, Unit Office
Good afternoon, this is just a reminder about tomorrow's 2:00 dismissal. GES 2:00, PES 2:00, GJH 2:00, and GHS 2:23. Have a great summer break.
almost 2 years ago, Unit Office
Students will be dismissed early on Friday, April 21, 2023 . Greenville Elementary 12:30 PM, Pocahontas Center 12:30 PM, Greenville Junior High 12:35 PM, Unit #2 High School 12:51 PM. KRP classes will not be in attendance.
almost 2 years ago, Unit Office
Good morning, this is just a reminder about today’s 2:00 dismissal. KRP 1:30, GES 2:00, PES 2:00, GJH 2:00, and High School 2:23. School will resume on Tuesday, April 11. Have a great break!
almost 2 years ago, Unit Office
Good Afternoon, This is an important message for all families of Bond County Students. Out of an abundance of caution due to potential severe weather we will be dismissing one hour early today, March 31, 2023. The dismissal times will be as follows: KRP: 1:30 GES,PES, GJH: 2:00 High School Drivers/Walkers: 2:00 High School Bus Riders: 2:23. All extra curricular activities are canceled for this evening. Again we are doing this out of an abundance of caution due to potential severe weather. We apologize for the inconvenience and change in schedule. Thank you, Dr. Wes Olson
almost 2 years ago, Unit Office
Dear Bond County Families, This is a reminder to participate in the parent survey supplement, part of the Illinois 5Essentials Survey administration. We guarantee that survey responses will never be connected to the identity of you or your child. School reports will only present aggregated information of how parents and students responded as a whole. A parent survey report will be generated if at least 20 percent of parents respond to the survey. While the parent data will not be made public, the parent report will be made available to district administration and will enable them to make considerations based on the responses given by Bond County parents. Your participation in the parent survey will help us understand the conditions at your child’s school and guide improvement. Again, your identity and individual survey responses will be kept completely confidential and will never be connected to you or your child. Teachers and 4th through 12th graders throughout Illinois are taking the teacher and student 5Essentials Survey. School-level 5Essentials Reports will be generated if teachers and/or students meet their 50 percent response-rate thresholds. These research-based reports will be sent to schools and districts in March and will also be included in the State School Report Card, released statewide in the fall. This survey closes on March 31, 2023. Please visit to take the parent survey. If you have any questions about the survey, please contact UChicago Impact Customer Support at 1-866-440-1874 or Sincerely, Dr. Olson
almost 2 years ago, Unit Office
Students will be dismissed early on Friday, March 10, 2023 . Greenville Elementary 12:30 PM, Pocahontas Center 12:30 PM, Greenville Junior High 12:35 PM, Unit #2 High School 12:51 PM. KRP classes will not be in attendance.
about 2 years ago, Unit Office
Good afternoon. Due to potential flooding and downed power lines we may have a few bus routes running a little behind this afternoon. Thank you
about 2 years ago, Unit Office
Due to stormy weather…we are postponing dismissal times 15 minutes
about 2 years ago, Wes Olson
There will be no school on Monday, February 20, 2023 in observance of President's day. School will resume on Tuesday, February 21, 2023.
about 2 years ago, Unit Office
Students will be dismissed early on Friday, February 10, 2023 . Greenville Elementary 12:30 PM, Pocahontas Center 12:30 PM, Greenville Junior High 12:35 PM, Unit #2 High School 12:51 PM. KRP classes will not be in attendance.
about 2 years ago, Unit Office
Good Morning, Due to poor road conditions school will be canceled on Monday, January 30th.
about 2 years ago, Unit Office
Good Evening, Due to forecasted inclement weather and out of an abundance of caution school will be canceled tomorrow Wednesday, January 24th. Have a good evening. Thank you
about 2 years ago, Unit Office